$13215 raised of $13215
100 %
Helping hands raised $13215 for the four daughters of renowned singer Somadas Chathanoor. Untimely death of Popular Malayalam singer Somadas Chathannoor(42), the Star Singer fame and Big Boss Malayalam contestant is a devastating blow to everyone who knows him. As they lost their sole breadwinner the family is struggling to make ends meet. The singer was often spotted in tears singing the soulful rendition of the popular Tamil song, 'Kannana Kanne' as a dedication for his little daughters.
He was an Auto Driver before his appearance in the Asia Net Star Singer program and recently worked for around three years in various gas stations and restaurants in America. Due to complicated health reasons, he had to quit BIG BOSS. Finally, COVID 19 took away that melodious voice, a brave heart from us, and leaving his four young daughters with no means of survival.
Kindly join the FOMAA Helping Hands efforts to help this deserving family.
സോമദാസ് ചാത്തന്നൂർ ( പാട്ടുകാരൻ ) കുടുംബ സഹായ നിധിയിലേക്ക് ഉദാരമായി സംഭാവന ചെയ്യുക.
റിയാലിറ്റി ഷോയിലൂടെയും, നിരവധി സ്റ്റേജ് പരിപാടികളിലൂടെയും, ബിഗ് ബോസിലൂടെയും പ്രശസ്തനായ ഗായകൻ സോമദാസ് ചാത്തന്നൂരിന്റെ അകാല മരണം അദ്ദേഹത്തെ അറിയുകയും സ്നേഹിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന സംഗീത പ്രേമികളെ വളരെ ദു:ഖിപ്പിക്കുകയും വേദനിപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തിരിക്കുകയാണ്. അമേരിക്കയുൾപ്പടെയുള്ള നിരവധി രാജ്യങ്ങളിലെ സ്റ്റേജ് പരിപാടികളിൽ പിറന്നൊരീ മണ്ണും, കണ്ണാണെ കണ്ണേ എന്ന ഗാനവും പാടി ജനഹൃദയങ്ങളെ പുളകം കൊള്ളിച്ച സോമദാസ് കോവിഡ് ഹൃദയാഘാതം മൂലമാണ് പാരിപ്പള്ളി മെഡിക്കൽ കോളേജിൽ ജനുവരി 31 നു മരണപ്പെട്ടത്.
ഒരു ഓട്ടോറിക്ഷ ഡ്രൈവറായി ജീവിതം ആരംഭിച്ച സോമദാസ് ഐഡിയ സ്റ്റാർ സിംഗറിലൂടെ പ്രശസ്തനായെങ്കിലും, ജീവിതത്തിലെ പ്രതിസന്ധികളെ അതിജീവിക്കാനും കുടുംബം പുലർത്താനും എന്ത് ജോലിയും ചെയ്യാൻ സന്നദ്ധനായ ഒരു സാധാരണക്കാരനായിരുന്നു. അമേരിക്കയിലെ ഗ്യാസ് സ്റ്റേഷനുകളിലും ഹോട്ടലുകളിലും മറ്റും അദ്ദേഹം ജോലി ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട്.
സ്റ്റേജ് ഷോകളിലൂടെ ആരാധകരെ നേടിയ സോമദാസ് ബിഗ് ബോസ്സിന്റെ റിയാലിറ്റി ഷോയിൽ പങ്കെടുത്തെങ്കിലും, ആരോഗ്യ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ മൂലം ഷോ വിട്ടുപോകേണ്ടി വന്ന ഹതഭാഗ്യനായിരുന്നു. സിനിമകളിലും പാടിയെങ്കിലും ആരോഗ്യ പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും നിർഭാഗ്യവും വിടാതെ പിന്തുടർന്നു.
ഏറ്റവും ഒടുവിൽ, സ്റ്റാർട് മ്യൂസിക്കിന്റെ ഷൂട്ടിംഗ് വേദിയിലാണ് അദ്ദേഹം പങ്കെടുത്തത്. കോവിഡ് മഹാമാരിയുടെ കെടുതികൾക്കിടയിലും മക്കൾക്കും കുടുംബത്തിനും വേണ്ടി എന്ത് ത്യാഗവും ചെയ്യാൻ സന്നദ്ധനായ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ വേർപാട് മൂലം അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ നാലു പെൺമക്കളും കുടുംബവും അനാഥമായിരിക്കുന്നു. സോമദാസിന്റെ സൗഹൃദവും, സ്നേഹവും അടുത്തറിഞ്ഞ ആർക്കും അദ്ദേഹത്തിൻറെ വിയോഗം ഉൾക്കൊള്ളാനാവുകയില്ല.ഇനിയും ഒരു പാട് ഗാനങ്ങൾ പാടി പാട്ടിന്റെ പാലാഴി തീർത്ത് നമ്മളെ അതിശയിപ്പിക്കാൻ സോമദാസ് ഇല്ല എന്ന യാഥാർഥ്യം ഒരു വേദനയാണ്.
നമ്മളെ വിട്ടുപിരിഞ്ഞ ആ ഗായകന്റെ കുടുംബത്തിന് തണലേകാൻ ഫോമാ ഹെൽപ്പിങ് ഹാൻഡ് ചെയ്യുന്ന സാമ്പത്തിക സഹായ നിധിയിലേക്ക് എല്ലാ നല്ല മലയാളികളും, സ്നേഹിതരും നിറഞ്ഞ മനസ്സോടെ സഹകരിക്കണമെന്ന് ഫോമാ ദേശീയ സമിതി എല്ലാവരോടും അപേക്ഷിക്കുകയാണ്.
$1500 raised of $1500
100 %
Abhirami G hailing from Kollam is a second year medical student in Russia. She is in emergency need of funds towards her educational needs. Abhirami depends on her mother for her expenses as her father is not in her life to support her. Her mother works at a mobile shop and is struggling to meeting daily expenses. If the tuition fee is not paid Abhirami will be expelled from the medical program.
The authenticity of the situation and the needs have been verified by Flowers T.V and local authorities. Abhirami needs immediate support through donations to raise $3000 towards tuition and boarding expenses.
$3000 raised of $3000
100 %
FOMAA Helping Hands is looking for support from generous donors for 28 year old S. Nidhin who needs an emergency renal (kidney) transplant. A civil engineering graduate from Kothamangalam engineering college, Nidhin comes from a very financially difficult background. He was the only hope for his family. It was shocking for his family when he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease stage-5. At present Nidhin and his family are struggling to meet the expenses of the renal surgery, donor evaluation and donor nephrectomy. Nidhin’s family is in distress and trying to find ways to meet this emergency need. Please donate to this cause. This case is verified and recommended from the FOMAA western region.
$10931 raised of $10000
109 %
Sub: FOMAA and its Affiliates join hands to help COVID Victims.
The pandemic in India has caused an alarming spike in the number of COVID patients and fatalities.A Spartan second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping across India and the country’s healthcare system is overwhelmed. The number of new cases are crossing 400,000 every day and the death toll is increasing which touched 3796 on Wednesday, May 5th. With more than 3.5 million active cases in the country, hospitals are struggling to accommodate new patients and an acute shortage of hospital beds, ventilators and oxygen is causing serious stress all over the nation.
FOMAA, in collaboration with its affiliated associations, is providing oxygen concentrators, cylinders, tanks, BiPAP to the affected patients and public. Following the discussions with the District Collectors of Kozhikode and Thrissur, it was decided to coordinate the activities to assist the needy patients through the district and thaluk hospitals.FOMAA aims to accomplish the arduous task of delivering at least 500 oxygen concentrators, cylinders, tanks, and BiPAP to the hospitals throughout in Kerala. This is expected to contain and curb the spread of COVID and provide much-needed oxygen, life-saving devices, and medicines.
Several charities, donors, and member organizations of FOMAA have come forward with contributions for this service. More organizations have also pledged their support to FOMAA.
Let's all be part of this fight against the virus. FOMAA has always played an integral role in supporting our country during several calamities and crises and is grateful to all its donors and supporters.India needs help right away and many people around the world are asking how can we help!
Please join us in this fight by donating generously to FOMAA for this cause and spreading the word among your friends and relatives. Together, We Can Serve Better!
Let's stand with FOMAA in the fight for survival!
Let's stand united in this crisis!
Let's contribute to saving lives!
Let's show that we will overcome it!
$3000 raised of $3000
100 %
Case Category: Educational need for Chicago Resident
Region origination: Central region, Chicago, IL
Recipient info: Requester– Currently in school for RN associate degree @ College of DuPage, After RN associate degree all the credits will be transferred to the university.
Amount requested $4,716 to be paid by end of June - Nursing school
Message from Chicago:
To the FOMAA executive members and FOMAA Helping Hands to help this family from
Chicago in the category of “Educational Needs”.
This case originates from Chicago and at the request of Dr. Rosemary Kolencherrry, President- Kerala Association of Chicago. A very poor immigrant Malayalee family currently residing in Willowbrook, IL, has been in the US for last 12 months with no income and trying to fulfill an American dream. Like many nurses, She came here with her family, to fulfill and complete her nursing degree to save her family and to help them with a better future. Her husband is only a restaurant worker and two young children, ages 5 yrs and 11 years.
The last year has been especially hard with the husband losing his modest income when the restaurant he worked in fell into hard times. With no other income, Dr. Rosemary and others here have been helping them with their necessities.
Nisha Eric
FOMAA HH and FOMAA Central region representative
Personal Message from Requester:
“Thanking FOMAA Helping Hands and FOMAA in advance for the help extended. It is more than 12 months with no work and no salary received. We used all resources including borrowing from friends and family for daily activities. We are at the brim of a breakdown and I am afraid that I cannot finish school. We came to America after selling our share and all gold. If we go back we don’t even have anything to live on. Whatever we had there were all lost in the 2018 flood. My goal is to finish school and find a job, but I am not in a position to continue. Please help us with your helping hands. Thank you so much!”
(Real Name removed due to privacy concerns)
$2000 raised of $3000
66 %
Kailash Nath is an upcoming Malayalam TV actor who is in a crisis situation with liver cirrhosis. Doctors have advised an emergency liver transplantation. He is presently admitted with bleeding from his bowels, and needs emergency help. He is struggling to meet daily expenses and hospital fees for his care. His family, comprising his wife and school aged daughter, is in dire financial need, and is seeking support from FOMAA Helping Hands. The need is critical. Please help towards this case in crisis 🙏🏼.
$700 raised of $2000
35 %
Learning is just a call away!!! ഒരു വിളിപ്പാടകലെ
The pandemic has forced education to explore new pathways. No matter what, our children need to be educated and empowered. To support education FOMAA and its affiliated organizations are in need of donations to buy cell phones for students. This will provide opportunity to students to access their curriculum and communicate with their teachers through daily school sessions. No child in Kerala should fall behind in their education. Let us donate to ensure that our children in Kerala get the learning opportunities while they are in lockdown.
Knowledge is power- let us empower our children! Your contribution will be used to fund phones
$2075 raised of $3000
69 %
Simon Joseph, parent of 11 year old Steve Simon, is in need of immediate financial support to meet the treatment needs for his son who has blood cancer.
His son Steve Simon is admitted in the pediatric ward for intensive treatment for acute Myeoloid Lukemia,,at St. John’s medical college, Bengaluru.
This father is requesting financial support from donors in his attempt to save his son’s precious life.
$1536 raised of $1536
100 %
Helping hands provided schools for schools in Kottayam District.
Helping hands provided 10 phones for Town UP school in Etumanoor Panchayat and 5 phone for Kurupanthara St Thomas School.
$1365 raised of $3000
45 %
Shalom Karunya Bhavan is looking to raise money during challenging covid times. They are finding it hard to raise money to meet daily expenses.
Shalom Karunalaya Bhavan in Mallappally, Kerala, the home for 200 elderly residents, is in need of immediate assistance. This facility runs on charity and the COVID situation in Kerala and lockdowns have affected the funds it used to receive from generous people and caterers. This community is struggling to meet the day-to-day needs for food, clothing, medicine and other essentials for its residents.
All residents at Shalom Karunalaya Bhavan are elderly who are homeless or abandoned by their families. They had been living in deplorable conditions on the streets with no one to care for them. Shalom Karunalaya Bhavan offered these people a roof over their head, clean clothing, medical support and food for survival. It is a recluse for those elderly residents who have nowhere to go and no one to ask for help. Now the facility is in crisis as there is no financial support or food donations from caters. The organizers are struggling to get food and necessities for these old and sick residents. The approximate daily expenses is Rs. 35,000. Presently they cannot even afford to give tea with milk in it. It is time for us to come together to help, support and let these residents live. This is a second opportunity for these people. Let us help them with our contributions. If we do not support them, they will die of starvation or health issues. Let each dollar we spend here save someone from starvation and death. Please donate to this cause.
$1975 raised of $2000
98 %
Anusree, a B.A Economics graduate and her sister Yedusree, a school student, are looking for kind hearted donors in their attempt to build a small home for themselves. These children lost their parents recently, and they are struggling to find a way to live. They desire to build a safe home in the three cent property they own. Life mission program has offered them some money to support this cause. However they are in need of an additional two to three lakhs to complete their home. They have provided documents supporting the authenticity and the need of the situation. Presently these sisters are supported by the community, but the covid lockdown situation has made things difficult for them. They humbly request everyone to help them get a safe home to live in. Let us come together to keep these young ladies under a safe roof.
$4600 raised of $5000
92 %
Dear All,
FOMAA is teaming up with its member associations to help the handloom weaver families of Balaramapuramalong along with Pathanapuram Gandhibhavan residents.
The handloom weavers of Balaramapuram are facing an existential crisis. The pandemic, which imposed a significant toll on many industries, has thwarted the handloom weaving economy to the precipice of calamity. This age-old industry, an integral part of our cultural and geographical heritage, is now at risk of being lost to history as The Shali Clan of Balaramapuram struggles to maintain its footing amidst these trying times. Their inventory of hand-loom apparel and accessories remains unsold due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in the form of the Delta variant which has caused new travel restrictions across India and abroad. Hundreds of families' livelihoods are dependent on the sale of these accumulated inventories of handloom woven goods from the past 2 seasons to begin production for the upcoming year and sustain themselves financially. Members of this community have earned wages and practiced the trade of handloom weaving generation after generation; foregoing new skills to uphold tradition and heritage.
Due to the present situation, FOMAA is teaming up with member associations to help purchase or sell these remaining inventories. The entire stock of goods that FOMAA is acquiring will be gifted to the residents of Pathanapuram Gandhibhavan.
Pathanapuram Gandhibahavan provides housing and cares for both children who have lost their parents and the elderly. This organization is lead by the kindhearted Dr. Punalur Somarajan.
FOMAA has decided to help both the Balaramapuram Weavers Society as well as the residents of Pathanapuram Gandhibhavan by gifting Onakodi (new clothes gifted for Onam) and Onasadhya (feast given during the Onam festival). This effort is intended to provide some relief for both organizations and their members. However, FOMAA believes it is the duty of anyone who can help others to do so wholeheartedly.
FOMAA is looking forward to your generous donations to help both groups of people who have been severely affected by present circumstances. We all have lost someone in our life due to illness, accident, natural causes, or COVID-19. We struggle daily to find closure from having lost them whether parents, family members, or friends. We kindly request that you donate an article of clothing to assist in reaching our goals. Collectively, we can quickly provide 1200 residents with Balaramapura weaved attire as Onakodi and an Onasadhya by donating just one article each.
$3000 raised of $3000
100 %
St Aloysius LP school in AthirumPuzha Kottayam is home to 425 students. Due to covid most of the education has moved online . 20 plus kids in the school dont have a television at home and hence cant effectively be part of the learning this year.They are requesting help in procuring television sets to furthur online learning.
$2500 raised of $2500
100 %
Jyothish is son of below poverty line(BPL) family and is an aspiring Final year MBBS student. His parents to realize the dream of making him a doctor took loans against their house and land and financed still the final year. Now due to covid and parents disease they are finding it hard to meet the final year tuition fees.
They are requesting Helping hands to help them with the fees. This case is verified by Kayamkulam MLA, Mrs Pratibha Hari.
Federation of Malayalee Associations of Americas
ജ്യോതിഷ് .എം . ആർ
ഗോവിന്ദമുട്ടം . p o
കായംകുളം 690527
ph. : 9048414534 ,8281404506
email : jyothishmr28@gmail.com
ഞാൻ അവസാന വർഷ MBBS വിദ്യാർത്ഥി ആണ് , സർ ഡോക്ടർ ആകണം എന്ന അതിയായ ആഗ്രഹവും ഡോക്ടർ എന്ന പ്രൊഫഷൻ സമൂഹത്തിനോട് ഉള്ള സേവനം ആണെന്നും അതിനായി ഇറങ്ങണം എന്നും എൻ്റെ നാട്ടിൽ ചികിത്സ കിട്ടാതെ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടുവരെ സൗജന്യം ആയി ചികിതസിക്കണം എന്ന കുട്ടികാലം മുതൽ ഉള്ള ലക്ഷ്യത്തിന്റയും ആഗ്രഹത്തിന്റയും അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ സാമ്പത്തികമായി ഒട്ടും ശേഷി ഇല്ലാഞ്ഞിട്ടും എൻ്റെ മതാപിതാക്കൾ എൻ്റെ ഡോക്ടർ ആകുക ലക്ഷ്യത്തിൽ എത്തിച്ചേരാൻ പഠിപ്പിക്കുവാൻ തീരുമാനിച്ചു . ഒരു തോട്ടത്തിലെ സാധാരണ തൊഴിലാളി ആണ് അച്ഛൻ , അച്ഛൻ മാരകമായ psoriasis രോഗ ബാധ കാരണം വല്യ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ട് അനുഭവിക്കുന്ന ആളാണ് വൃണ സമാനമായ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടാണ് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന് , അമ്മയ്ക്കു ആസ്ത്മ രോഗം ഉള്ളതിനാൽ വീട്ടില് തന്ന ചെറുകിട ജോലി ആണ് ചെയ്യുന്നത്, വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ വായ്പക്ക് എടുക്കാൻ 4 ബാങ്കിൽ പോയിട്ടും കിട്ടിയില്ല തുടർന്ന് കോഓപ്പറേറ്റീവ് സൊസൈറ്റിയിൽ ആകേ ഉള്ള 6 സെൻറ് വസ്തുവും വീട് പണയപ്പെടുത്തി , പുറത്തു നിന്നും പലിശക്ക് ധാരാളം പണം കടം വാങ്ങിയുമാണ് ഇതുവരെ പഠിപ്പു കൊണ്ട് പോയത് . മറ്റു ചിലവിനുള്ള പണം ഞാൻ പാർട്ട് ടൈം ജോലി ചെയ്താരുന്നു കണ്ടെത്തീരുന്നത് ഞാൻ ഇപ്പോൾ ഒരു വലിയ പ്രതിസന്ധിയിൽ ആണ് കഴിഞ്ഞ covid കാലത്തു അവിടെ lock down ചെയ്തപ്പോൾ നിര്ബന്ധിതമായി നാട്ടിലേക്കു തിരികെ വരേണ്ടി വന്നു തുടർന്ന് വീട്ടിൽ ഇരുന്നു ഓൺലൈൻ ക്ലാസ് അറ്റൻഡ് ചെയ്യുക ആയിരിക്കുന്നു ,എന്നാൽ കഴിഞ്ഞ സെമസ്റ്റർ ഫീസ് അടയ്ക്കാൻ കഴിയാതെ പോയി കോവിഡ് സാഹചര്യവും എന്താ മാതാപിതാക്കളുടെ ജോലികളെ കാര്യമായി തന്നെ ബാധിച്ചു ആയതിനാൽ യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റിയിലേക്കു എനിക്ക് ഒരു രൂപ പോലും അടയ്ക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല, പലതവണ യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി ഫീസ് റിമൈൻഡർ അയച്ചു അപ്പോളേക്കും നാട്ടില് അച്ഛന്റെ അസുഖവും മൂർച്ഛിച്ചു, ആകെ വഴിമുട്ടിയ അവസ്ഥയിൽ എത്തി , തുടർന്ന് യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി എന്നെ പുറത്താക്കി എൻ്റെ വിസ ക്യാൻസൽ ചെയ്തു , തുടർന്ന് സഹായത്തിനായി പലരുടെയും അടുക്കൽ സമീപിച്ചു ഒന്നും ശെരിയായില്ല തുടർന്ന് ബഹുമാനപെട്ട കായംകുളം MLA ശ്രീ : ADV പ്രതിഭയെ സമീപിച്ചു , മാഡം പല ആതുര സേവന സംഘടനകളുടെ സഹായം തേടി തുക സമാഹരികാം എന്നും പറഞ്ഞു അങ്ങനെ FOMAA എന്ന അമേരിക്കൻ മലയാളി കൂട്ടാഴ്മയെ കുറിച്ച് പറയുകയും ഒരുപാടു ചാരിറ്റി സേവനങ്ങൾ നൽകുന്ന FOMAA യെ നമ്മുക്ക് സമീപിക്കാം സഹായം അഭ്യർത്ഥിക്കാം എന്ന് ഉറപ്പും നൽകി , ഇപ്പോൾ ഞാൻ കോഴ്സിന്റ അവസാന വർഷത്തിൽ എത്തിനിൽകുക ആണ് ഇനി ഒന്നര വർഷത്തെ പഠിപ്പു ബാക്കി നില്പുണ്ട് അത് പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയാൽ മാത്രമേ എനിക്കും എൻ്റെ കുടുംബത്തിനും ഒരു രക്ഷ ഉള്ളു . ഒരു കുടുബത്തിന്റ മുഴുവൻ പ്രതീക്ഷയാണ് ആണ് സർ പുതിയ വിസ എടുത്തു വീണ്ടും തുടർന്ന് പഠിക്കുവാൻ എനിക്ക് 8000 usd (aprox 6 lakh INR above ചിലവ് വരുന്നുണ്ട് october 10 തീയതിക്കുള്ളിൽ ഇത്രയും തുക അടക്കണം ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ സാഹചര്യത്തിൽ എന്നെ കൊണ്ടോ എന്റെ മാതാപിതാക്കളെ കൊണ്ട് ഇത്രയും വലിയ തുക സാധിക്കില്ല ദയവായി FOMMA ഇതിൽ ഒന്ന് ഇടപെട്ടു തുടർ പഠനം എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യത്തിനു വേണ്ട ഒരു സഹായം ചെയ്തു തരണം എന്ന് താഴ്മയായി അപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നു , ഒരു കുടുംബത്തിന്റ മുഴുവൻ പ്രതീക്ഷ ആണ് , FOMMA കൈവിടില്ല എന്ന വിശ്വാസത്തോടെ
ജ്യോതിഷ് . എം ആർ
$3000 raised of $3000
100 %
Ashokan and family requesting assistance for a roof over their head.
The heartbreaking story of Ashok and his family was noticed when they were mercilessly evicted from their rental building amidst the covid crisis. This four-member family comprising a daughter studying for plus two and a son in nineth grade was evicted in the middle of the night. They were stranded in the streets. All of them lived in starvation and deplorable conditions for some time. A sympathetic person let them use his vacant shed. Children continued their studies from this shed. Their daughter is an A+ holder in all subjects. But Ashokan, a daily wage earner, is unable to provide the necessary learning materials or opportunities for his children.
The counsellor from Piravom, Gils has taken up the mission to support this family and by the grace of the community he was able to donate four cents of land to Ashokan. A home is still a dream for him. Let help Ashokan and his family fulfil their dream.
$3000 raised of $3000
100 %
The recent torrential rains and floods in Kerala, India, have left hundreds without shelter. Many families are dead, and those who managed to escape this disaster have been left with nothing- no clothes to wear, no food, no belongings, no money and nowhere to go.
*FOMAA Helping Hands humbly requests all its members to unite for this case. The need is emergent and your help is crucial.
Please donate to support these victims.
Let’s be part of the healing and rehabilitation process.*
$2060 raised of $3000
68 %
We humbly request you to donate to the cause of Reji K from Punalur who is suffering from life-threatening injuries from an auto accident. Reji has been slowly recovering from his spinal cord injury, but it has been a long, painful and laborious few years. His injury has left him unable to sit or stand for long periods of time.
At present, he is struggling to pay for his son's education and to pay the loan for his house. Reji is finding it a struggle to sustain his family. Without our support, this family will end up in the streets. Let’s come together and donate to this cause and help Reji in the best way we can.
$175 raised of $2100
8 %
Ashwathi Philip who works as a nurse is in pursuit of higher education so that she can be in a better position to support her family consisting of her father, who is a farmer, and a brother. Her mother passed away several years ago. Ashwathy has been take care of her family’s welfare in her mother’s absence.
Please support her to pay the fee towards her 1st year PC BSc nursing course. As she has not paid the fees for this year she has only provisional admission now. She needs the money to pay the first year fee. Let’s come together and donate towards Ashwathi’s fees.
$3620 raised of $3000
120 %
Mariam Susan Mathew, a 19-year-old shining butterfly from Kerala, was shot dead in Montgomery on November 28th, 2021, at the capital of Alabama. She is the daughter of Boben Mathew and Binsy, natives of Niranam in Pathanamthitta District, Kerala. FOMAA has been taking the necessary steps to help the victim's family take her body for the final departure to God's heaven. Boban and his family arrived in the USA four months ago only. She has two siblings-Basil and Bimal. The victim's family needs prayers and support from the community to recover from their beautiful daughter's unexpected tragic, and shocking death. We request all to stand together as the Helping Hands family and show our solidarity to the Victim's Family. We ask for the expeditious and generous support of each one to help Boban's family
$1425 raised of $3000
47 %
Nisha Baiju, resident of Changanassery, is struggling to survive with her ailing husband and three children. Her husband who was a daily wagers lost their job during the pandemic. To add on to it, her husband met with a body injury from a falling after the ladder he was standing on to work on the roof of a house breaking his legs in multiple areas. His doctor has recommended bed rest for a few months. Nisha has no means to take care of her family. They lost their home to the bank as they couldn't make payments towards the loan they had taken. Nisha also has health issues and does her daily chores in pain. Presently they have been begging and borrowing from others to buy food and groceries for their daily living along with the part time job at a clothng store. Please contribute to support Nisha so that we can support her in her struggle to survive.
$3100 raised of $3000
103 %
Krishnapriya, a young mother of new born twins, from Ayavana panchayath, is in crisis after her cesarean surgery. After her surgery she experienced extensive bleeding and is in on ventilator fighting for her life. The family is in need of 20 lakhs or more rupees. The family needs support from us in meeting this emergency need. Kindly contribute to save Krishnapriya’s life.
$555 raised of $3000
18 %
Mini Joshy, a resident of Alapuzha, has been undergoing treatment for heart related health issues for the past 8 years at Sri Chitra hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. She is need of financial assistance for an emergency heart surgery. Her family comprising husband, her children and her mom are in extreme financial crisis. Her husband is also on bed rest, and so she is requesting everyone to help her for her heart surgery. The surgery is scheduled to be on March 18, 2022. Hence the urgency to help.
$1285 raised of $3000
42 %
Margarate Aldreena Mendez, a 12th grade student in Mallappally, Pathanamthitta has been diagnosed with cancer on her leg. The cancerous tumor has been removed through surgery, and she has been undergoing chemotherapy. She is struggling to withstand the agonizing processes during her treatment with determination. Margarate comes from a very poor family that has no means to pay for the treatment. She is requesting support from FOMAA well wishers.
$2620 raised of $3000
87 %
Hurricane Ian has decimated the Fort Myers region of Florida especially Fort Myers, Naples, Port Charlotte and Cape Coral leaving several people including many Malayalees in dire straits. They are most in need of hot meals and essential supplies . FOMAA is committed to getting them the much needed urgent relief and has created a Task force to address the crisis. FOMAA’s Florida Region Kerala associations has been able to prepare and deliver 1200 boxes of food, 227 cases of water, 4 generators, 20 * 5 Gallon Gas , 20 Propane Tanks etc. On Tuesday October 4th, FOMAA Team prepared and delivered over 1000 boxes of freshly prepared food (Rice, Chicken, Veg, Chapati, Samosa) to the Port Charlotte area. We are requesting donations to help this noble cause.
Due to accounts being transitioned from the 20-22 to the 22-24 committee, you will not be able to make a new donation. You can still contribute if you have an amount left in your wallet. If you would like to contribute but don't have money in your wallet, please let us know and we will help process that payment as a temporary measure.
$3530 raised of $3500
100 %
Help women have access to better healthcare and preventive screenings! Join us in this fight against cancer while supporting women's health! FOMAA has initiated a unique and landmark agreement with Karkinos Healthcare Limited in Kerala to provide free-of-cost breast cancer and HPV DNA tests for cervical cancer screenings to eligible women in selected districts of Kerala.
Please donate and join us as we spread awareness through seminars, talks & camps and provide risk assessment tests. Let’s work together to save lives and make an impact in a big way. This Project is led by FOMAA Women's Forum.
As part of FOMAA's Kerala Convention, 1st phase was completed in Idukki district in May and the second phase was completed in Ernakulam district in June. Over 180 families benefitted from this unique initiative.
$750 raised of $1000
75 %
Kindly Read the Letter from Jackson Kavil's parents from California. We know that many FOMAA Members contributed to the Case already via other means; this effort is to ensure that we are covering all FOMAA Community. This is also a direct request to support an American Malayali family at a time of need.
Dear Community members,
It is with great sorrow we announce the very untimely passing away of our 16-year-old son, Jackson
Kavil. Jackson, the youngest of our four children was a typical teenager full of energy and love. The constant
smile on his face was contagious and made everybody around him happy. We still cannot comprehend
how a sweet kid in his late teens could just be plucked out of this world so suddenly and violently. As
parents, this is something that we all dread and hope that it never happens to anybody. We are currently facing some financial hardship. Your support and financial assistance for the funeral expenses will be much appreciated and we will be immensely grateful for all your contributions. Please keep Jackson and us in your prayers.
With profound gratitude for all your support,
Rani & Sunny Kavil
$1700 raised of $1600
106 %
FOMAA EC approved 5 unique cases related to various charity initiatives as part of the FOMAA Kerala Convention. 4 Projects totaling just over One lakh Rupees were distributed during Convention Phase II for 4 Women to buy business equipment for small startups. In addition, 25,000 Rupees were distributed to support Tribal families in the Idukki district. Thanks to FOMAA National Committee Member Ambily Sajimon for bringing up these cases and for coordinating.
$1801 raised of $2000
90 %
Requesting Financial Aid to Buy Ultrasound Scanning Machine and Medical Equipment for Alphonsa Hospital, Murikkassery. The main objective of the hospital and Pain & Palliative Care is to render an affordable, holistic and quality health care to all people irrespective of their caste, creed, community, religion, age, sex, or language through preventive, promotive and curative health care services in all health care settings. A large number of people with low income depends on Alphonsa Hospital for all their health care needs.
$1555 raised of $3000
51 %
Little Lisha Shinoj is suffering from "west syndrome" and needs frequent speech and physio therapy. The family is finding it difficult to meet the expenses. Requesting your support.
(This request was verified by long-term Helping Hands Donor Ms. Jubi J Chackunkal)
$1185 raised of $3000
39 %
Chinchu Antony, a young girl from Aroor Ezhupunna is suffering from an acute disease and she is living in a makeshift shed. FOMAA is partnering with Mr. Joey Kurian (MACF, Florida) to build a house for the girl. The remaining need is 3000 dollars only as the said partner has committed a Donation of 5000 dollars.
This request came from Aroor MLA Ms. Daleema Jojo and this House Build request is coordinated via FOMAA former Treasurer & current NC Member Mr. Thomas T Oommen)
$1210 raised of $1200
100 %
Mr. Sabu Joseph from Changanacherry is a stroke victim and is struggling to meet ends with 2 small kids and mounting medical expenses. FOMAA is organizing a fund raiser to help the family with few medical as well as educational expenses for the children
This case was brought up and verified by FOMAA Vice President Mr. Sunny Vallikkalam)
$4450 raised of $4000
111 %
1. Mrs. Anitha Peethambaran, 47 years old with Breast cancer. She had surgery, chemotherapy and Radiation about 5 years ago and currently her cancer is active with metastasis to lungs and liver. She is from a very poor family and requesting support for her treatment.
2. Mr. Sivadas T. G, 47 years old is a lung cancer patient, currently on chemotherapy. He is not able to go to work and his treatment is very expensive. His family is not able to financially support him for his treatments and is requesting financial assistance for his treatment.
3. Mrs. Rugmini Rajan, 55 year old with metastatic breast cancer to lungs. She received radiation and currently on hormonal therapy. Her husband is struggling financially as he has to provide the needed care to Rugmini and not able to go to work daily. Her treatment is very expensive and this family is struggling to pay for her treatment.
4. Mrs. Thankamma is a 72 year old Lung cancer patient from a very poor family. Her husband passed away few years ago due to stroke and her family is struggling to provide the needed medical care to Thankamma as chemotherapy and related treatments are very expensive.
This case was brought up and verified by FOMAA Joint Secretary Dr. Jaimol Sreedhar
$2675 raised of $3000
89 %
FOMAA Great Lakes Region is organizing a charity fund drive for the neglected and young children in the SOS villages in several places of India including Kerala. Request all of you to donate to this charity drive thru FOMAA Helping hands to this noble cause to support children who lives without parental care.
For any questions, please reach out to:
Boby Thomas – (248) 841-0380
Saijan Kaniyodikal – (248) 925-7769
Sudeep Kishan – ( 779) 500-4342
Anu Krishnan – (330) 351-3170
Rajesh Nair – (248) 346-5135
$1145 raised of $1200
95 %
Following Request is from Mrs. Bindhu K Thomas, a single woman with 2 kids. Currently they are living in a small house with Mrs. Bindhu's parents with 8 extended family members. A small house is being constructed but due to lack of funds available, its blocked mid-way. Request is to help the family complete the house build. A Video with the current state of the house is available upon request.
This case was brought up and verified by FOMAA NC Member Mr. Jiju Kulangara
$2775 raised of $3000
92 %
Alwin Biju, a vivacious young 8-year old from Piravom, Ernakulam has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and the medical expenses have placed a significant financial burden on their family. Despite the challenges Alwin faces, he continues to show immense courage and resilience every day. His positive spirit and determination inspires everyone around him. However, the cost of treatment, medications, and hospitalizations is overwhelming for their family, who are struggling to make ends meet.
Your support and assistance could make a world of difference to Alwins life and contribute significantly to their treatment and recovery. Any financial contribution, no matter how small, would be deeply appreciated and would directly impact young Alwin's journey toward healing. Few Details are attached herewith.
This case was verified by FOMAA Jt. Treasurer Mr. James George.
$680 raised of $50000
1 %
(We have opened this case in GoFundMe as well).
Wayanad, the beautiful northern district of Kerala in South India has been decimated by a catastrophic landslide and floods. Over 300 people have lost their lives and may more their houses and livelihood. The scenes from the District are heart wrenching and distressing.
Federation of Malayalee Associations of Americas, the largest Pravasi organization in the world is organizing a Fundraiser to help our unfortunate brethren rebuild their lives. One of FOMAA's (Federation of Malayalee Association of Americas) most promised objective is to raise funds to carry out worthy humanitarian and charitable causes. We will strive to add more funds once our impending International Convention is completed and we are working towards reducing our expenses for the same.
FOMAA's goal is to build at least 10 houses in Kerala. As the first step, FOMAA has decided to donate $10,000. In addition, we promise that FOMAA will be utilizing this fund directly to build a Housing Village and other Infrastructure as needed. As you know, FOMAA has a unique track record of directly completing Two Village projects with over 60 homes in Kerala in recent past during the 2018 Kerala flood situation. We humbly request you to join hands with FOMAA at this hour of need. Kindly contribute if you can. All contributions to FOMAA 501c(3) is Tax-deductible.
Please Contact FOMAA President Jacob Thomas, Treasurer Biju Thonikadavil, Executive Committee or FOMAA Social Services Chair Peter Kulangara if you have any questions. We suggest to create an account so that your donation is not coming as anonymous. It only takes 2 minutes to create an account or reset your password. Please contact FOMAA General Secretary Ojus John or FOMAA Social Services Secretary Girish Potti if you need help.
$3000 raised of $3000
100 %
FOMAA Helping hands seek your generous financial assistance to address the life challenges faced by Ms. Neethu S. Nair,
an academically brilliant student who struggling with life challenges to pursue her studies.
Life in her house is something of the sort that makes one realize the necessity of
how, as a socially conscious person, one should show care towards one's fellow
beings. Neethu's family consists of her parents and her brother. Her father is bedridden,
following an accident Her mother and brother are mentally unfit, but they refuse to take
proper medication. Since her mother has some disorders, her father's basic needs have to
be taken care of by Ms. Neethu. This hardworking student comes to college after
completing all the necessary household work, including the preparation of food. She has
often testified that she suffers physical abuse from her mother as well as her brother, as
both of them are mentally unfit. All the family members are totally dependent on this
student. The day-to-day needs of this family, including their medical and educational
expenses had been met by the small contributions offered by their neighbors at the time of
her father's accident. However, these funds have almost got over, and the whole family is
facing a looming financial crisis. At the present moment, this brilliant student is leading a
life with such family members who talk about suicide all day long, and this has led her to a
mental trauma. Also, now the family is finding it very hard to meet their daily financial
needs for food, medicine, education etc. The only hope of light for the whole family is the
academic brilliance of the student. However, the weight of the emotional and financial
burdens on Neetu is taking a toll on her.
This family is in urgent need of assistance to improve their living conditions and to
support Miss Neetu in continuing her education. Any help rendered would be invaluable to
them during these challenging times.
Please be the hope & support this cause.
$550 raised of $3000
18 %
Suma's husband Babu was admitted to Ernakulam Medical Trust Hospital in an emergency situation from Piravam Taluk Hospital after he suffered a stroke at his home in Kattokara, Pazhur Devipadi.
He was on ventilator for many days and then when the danger changed, he was in the ward with oxygen support. Till now, the medical bill was around 5 lakh rupees, but they only had about 1.5 lakh rupees to pay.
After Piravam MLA talking to hospital authorities, 80,000 (eighty thousand) has been paid and the remaining amount has been delayed for one and a half months. In the current situation, the patient should be shifted to Piravam taluk hospital with oxygen support.
In addition, he needs physiotherapy to recover. He has not been able to leave the hospital since the bill has not been paid even after 3 days of discharge. He also has to sell or mortgage his house to pay the remaining amount. Therefore, I humbly request that well-wishers come forward to help this family urgently.
$3125 raised of $3000
104 %
Bilby Varghese(42) is in need of your kindness and generosity. Bilby’s both the kidneys failed and in need of dialysis three times a week.
Bilby’s family consists of his wife, two kids and his father. In 2013 Bilby’s father donated one kidney which got failed during 2023. Dialysis, continuous medication and running family with two small kids is a costly affair to Bilby and very difficult to meet ends.
Bilby’s immediate need is to get one kidney transplanted to live on, hence the family needs your prayers & support through financial assistance.